Boss Management – Handling the Bossy Behaviour and yet Performing

Boss Management – Handling the Bossy Behaviour and yet Performing

The goal of a leader is to motivate and empower his subordinates. Unfortunately, some bosses take their title to heart (i.e. they become bossy). They become arrogant and self-centred individuals who want to control everyone(Please make a note that we are not generalizing here and only talking situation where these really happen) If you happen to have this kind of boss, you are probably thinking about getting a new job. But quitting isn’t necessary. In this article, you’ll find various techniques that you can use to manage your “bossy boss” while giving excellent performance.

1. Listen

‘Listening’ seems to be like the most basic message, but we are just not talking about basic listening, but going beyond to understand, adapt and then influence if required – that kind of listening.
Humans have a natural desire to be heard. Even a bossy boss will be at ease if he knows that you are listening attentively.

You can also show that you are listening by paraphrasing and/or repeating the statements of your boss. By showing that you care about what he says, you can lower his guard and (hopefully) improve his attitude towards you. Some people might say, that I always do that and it never works!!! But now listen to understand what are the boss’s priorities, what triggers a problem. If you carefully listen to people’s complaints or irritants you get to understand that person well and when you know what the person is really looking for, it becomes easy to influence!

2. Assert

Some bossy bosses try to trample on their subordinates. That is the reason why employees should display assertiveness when dealing with a difficult boss. Keep in mind that assertiveness and aggressiveness are two different things. You can’t start a “me against you” scenario, considering that he is still the boss. Rather, you should insert “we” and “I” in your conversations with your leader.

By saying “we”, you are telling your leader that you are working with him in meeting his objectives. By saying “I”, on the other hand, you are taking ownership of the actions, ideas, and situations that might come up later on. We are not saying ‘the same formula works for all’ but it is definitely worth trying!

3. Show Respect & Learn

Even if your boss treats you and your co-workers badly, displays inappropriate and unprofessional behavior during your interactions it can still provide you with valuable learning. Every tough person gives you an opportunity to handle tough people. Look at it as a learning rather than a symbol of torture which can then shatter our own self-esteem. You definitely don’t have to go down to his level and start behaving the same with others. If you want to build a successful career, you should stay professional. Do what you need to do – even if it means respecting your disrespectful boss. Do understand that in your career you will come across many different people and behaviors, every challenge can make you tougher if you learn and grow.

4. Keep Your Emotions Under Control

In general, a bossy boss displays self-centeredness. He thinks that he is the most important person in the organization. Consequently, you must not let your emotions control you. It would be best if you’ll remain logical while interacting with your leader.

By staying positive (or neutral, at the least), you might be able to find a way to salvage your relationship with your boss. Showing negative behavior and attitude, on the other hand, will simply ruin things further. Do you think a selfish person will change his ways when you display hard-headedness? No, he won’t. But you will likely lose your job or face other consequences.

You can also under high stress build strength through emotional empowerment techniques like EFT, meditation or even take the support of a Life coach or a hypnotherapist.

5. Cooperate

If your leader treats everyone badly, it is likely that the people in your team don’t want to follow him. The greatness of the goal (if any) doesn’t matter. No one would want to follow a self-centred person who keeps on “manhandling” people into submission. But starting arguments with your boss won’t help your cause either. It would be best if you will encourage your co-workers to cooperate. By countering your boss’s negative behavior with positivity and assertiveness, you will have excellent chances of improving the situation in the office.

Do understand that a person who needs to be bossy is already operating out of some lacuna or fear, why would there be a need otherwise!!! When we say co-operate we are not taking about a compromised approach, just don’t with an attitude of an ‘eye for eye types’ else it’s just a fight and most of the time will just be spent in fighting!!!
Continue your journey of educating yourself with different influencing strategies and keep applying it, testing it!!! Trust me, the day you crack it your confidence will just not improve it will peak up!!!! The bigger the challenge you crack, the quantum is your shift in Life!!!!!!!

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