Webinars & Digital Courses

Learning is pivotal for anyone who desires ‘continues growth’ in any area of Life and ‘online/digital’ is undoubtedly one of the predominant ways ahead.

We believe ‘learning must continue’ and ‘learning must be fun, insightful and transformational’. Our webinars, digital courses and online courses/sessions offer the same.

While on one hand there is a mass belief and fear that online sessions, webinars or digital courses might become challenging lacking the human Connect, on the other hand more and more people are also getting glued to gadgets. This is enough as an evidence that these mediums can be/will be used for entertainment and learning.  Our webinars and online sessions/courses or digital courses hence bring in the element of inspiration, fun and growth. This undoubtedly triggers the desire to focus on self-development and learning.

We believe the current scenario has bought in a huge potential, an opportunity for more and more people to engage in learning and self- development more than ever before! The digital space obviously helps us reach more people and empower them in the shortest possible time.

Our digital courses, online sessions and webinars cater to a large spectrum enriching all areas of life be it physical, emotional or psychological.

Below are some of our offerings –



ACCELERATE is our signature transformational webinar (Motivational Webinar) which can be driven in a 90 mins or a 180 minutes (2 Webinars) format. Integrated with extremely powerful tools and techniques with relevant insights the experience drives instant and long term results.

Benefits :-
  • For Individuals
  • A complete shift in the mindset
  • Ability to ‘Believe’ in the targets given
  • Inculcate the ‘Ownership’ Habit
  • Embrace and Capitalize on the ‘Change’
  • Develop Gratitude and an Optimistic Approach
  • For Leaders and Managers
  • Learn to influence and become an inspiration
  • Creating a ‘High Performing team’
  • Having a team vibrating at a higher frequency delivering optimum results
Rod Bending By Harrish Sai Raman (HSR) - Team Building Exercise | Best Corporate Trainer In India

Stay Strong, Stay Positive (SSSP Webinar)

Harrish Sai Raman Corporate Workshop | Best Motivational Speaker In India

 SSSP, a webinar which is relevant to the current times, primes people for challenging times. Driven as a 90 minutes format, this insightful and motivational webinar builds core inner strength. The practices taught in this session go a long way building core resilience and is undoubtedly a blessing during challenging times.

Benefits :-
  • Shifting perceptions about ‘Challenges’ and becoming optimistic
  • Realign focus – focus on the ‘silver lining!’
  • Creating ‘Breakthroughs’ even during ‘Breakdowns!’
  • Inculcate ‘Powerful Habits and Patterns’
  • Bonus :- Guided meditation and Self Hypnosis Audios that build inner strength and optimism

Mindful Leadership

 Great Leaders & Potential Leaders are great learners. This webinar enriches a Leader’s ‘Leadership Journey’ bringing in elements of mindfulness, heightened ownership and the ability to inspire bringing out the team’s ‘best self’. A leader’s small mindful change can bring in a quantum shift in the Organization

Benefits :-
  • Make an ‘Inner Shift’
  • Inspire and Influence people to deliver maximum results
  • Influencing without authority
  • Experience ‘Mindful Leadership’ enhancing all areas of Life.

RISE - The Power of your MIND

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RISE, is a motivational webinar that empowers an individual with insights and working of their own mind. The Mind is undoubtedly one of the most powerful ‘machines’ and unleashing its potential helps an individual ‘accelerate’ their progress and success.

Benefits :-
  • A much more empowered state of Mind
  • Ability to change patterns – shatter old unwanted ones and build new empowered ones
  • Reset the internal Thermostat and break perceptual limiting boundaries
  • Experience ‘Power with Peace’

An Opportunity of enrolling into the RISE – 21 Days

Breakthrough Digital Course. An audio visual digital course which brings in a magnanimous positive effect.

Power of Mind | Harrish Sai Raman (HSR) | Best Motivational Speaker In India

Mindful / Spiritual Parenting

Spiritual/Mindful Parenting is a beautiful webinar enriching the journey of being a ‘Parent’ a role which is crucial in creating a work life balance. The pleasure of experiencing ‘harmony’ in a parent child relationship is immense and this webinar brings the same.

Benefits :-
  • Build harmony in a ‘parent-child’ relationship
  • Experience continuous progress in the relationship
  • Learn new methods and insights to resolve/dissolve differences
  • Experience ‘Effective Parenting’ in true essence
  • Build mutual respect in the relationship
Bonus :-
A beautiful healing meditation to build harmony in the relationship. This webinar is also available in a Digital Course Format
Harrish Sai Raman (HSR) | Best Motivational Speaker In India


Outdoor Corporate Team Building Activities | Harrish Sairaman(HSR) | Best Motivational Speaker In India

Stress Management and Work Life Balance’ is an integral requirement for effective day to day living.

Benefits :-
  • Powerful techniques for daily practices – Stress Management Techniques 
  • Guided Meditations and Self Hypnosis for mind programming 
  • Option of learning powerful breathing exercises for stress relief 
  • Breath Mastery for better quality of sleep 
  • Mindfulness 

Relationship Mastery - Personal and Professional

‘Relationship Management’ involves a major part of our personal and professional life and hence ne must focus on ‘continuous learning and growth’ in this area. This humour driven insightful webinar unravels the mystery and drama in relationships helping one experience the ‘true potential’ in any relationship. When relationships are in harmony the true power of collaboration is witnessed.

This webinar includes :-
  • Insights on the ‘Why’ of relationships 
  • Methods on resolving conflicts 
  • Strategies that build great relationships 
  • Guided meditations to bring in inner peace 
Other Interesting Webinars :- 
  • Creating High Performing Teams 
  • Health is Wealth 
  • The Art and Science of Meditation 
  • Selling and Negotiation – Basic and Advance 
  • Goal Setting Webinars 
  • Customized Motivational Webinars

Transformational Digital Courses

Digital Courses bring in a huge possibility of learning and enriching life with the ‘Flexibility of time!’ While it is extremely crucial to diligently follow the course contents, these digital courses allow you to choose your ‘learning time’ and this flexibility clubbed with powerful life lessons can be a game changer in one’s personal and professional life.

Harrish Sai Raman India's Top Corporate Trainer