Communication Skills Training

  • Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking
  • Develop Effective Presentation Skills
  • Acquire Influential Communication Skills
  • Learn Influential Business Writing
  • Give Structure & Meaning to Presentations
  • Design Effective, Audience Captivating Presentations
  • Learn Business Etiquettes
  • Think on one’s feet & Develop Presence of Mind
  • Understand NLP for Rapport Building
Our Communication Skills Training Programs are designed after in depth understanding of the business needs and focus more on business needs rather than just a knowledge transfer. Powerful methodology woven with NLP and other techniques brings great results in all our Communication Skills Training Programs.

Methodology & Nature of Communication Skills Training

  • Experiential Learning
  • Videos
  • High Energy Sessions
  • Brainstorming & Detailed Discussions
  • Presentations
  • Role Plays
  • Practice of Techniques
The program outline and methodology goes through customization after detailed understand of the learning and business outcome desired. This ensures maximum results converting our Communication Skills Training from a ‘Cost’ to an ‘Investment’.

Formats available for Communication Skills Training Programs

  1. One/Two Days Presentations Skills workshop with video recording and live feedbacks.
  2. One/Two Days Communication Skills Training Program for Junior Management
  3. One/Two Days Advanced Influential Communication Skills Training Program for Middle and Senior Management

Some Powerful Contents Of The Workshop

Communicating Effectively
  • Probing to get to the heart of the matter
  • Giving & Receiving Feedback
  • Develop Centered and Reflective Listening Skills
  • Communicating in an articulate, concise, and logical manner by using appropriate vocabulary and terminology.
Impactful Presentation Skills
  • Probing to get to the heart of the matter
  • Giving & Receiving Feedback
  • Develop Centered and Reflective Listening Skills
  • Communicating in an articulate, concise, and logical manner by using appropriate vocabulary and terminology.
NLP – Rapport Building & Influential Skills
Rapport building is a ‘Survivor Skill’ for effective lifestyle! The probability of success in sales is directly proportional to the mastery in this art. These skills increase the effectiveness of sales training programs bringing about an ‘in depth’ understanding – theoretical and practical about the power of rapport building, influential skills, covert rapport building and NLP. These techniques make our Communication Skills Training Programs very effective.

Cogniizant Transformation Young Entrepreneur Scholarship Program

Communication Skills Training

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